Thursday, May 22, 2008

speed racer

i liked it  a lot, did seem to drag on a little bit but still cool 

Friday, May 9, 2008

iron man

Iron Man, Robert Downy Jr.,Tony Stark, Flying,Shooting the Bad Guys.
Friday night before graduation I was on my way back to campus at 11pm after hangin with Rachel and decided to go to the theater to see Iron Man.
I was 5 min late and missed a little of the beginning, but I think only missed the part where he got shot up. What is it about a man who changes his heart to caring about how he impacts the world that makes him compelling. What makes an audience cheer when the evil is taken out?

Iron Man is a badass

He flies in a mechanical suit defying human limitations, he has a stare of determination, of im going use the power of this gift to do something cool. Jesus is badass too. Do we like these stories because somewhere inside us we know we need someone to save us?