Friday, December 21, 2007

Every Morning

It finally got to me


Marina said...


full beards are overrated anyways!

maybe its because I'm a girl, but I never have understood why guys obsess so much about facial hair anyways...

just shave it off and pretend you can grow a full beard, but just choose not to...

Marry Christmas!

Eva said...

Hey hey... Don't be jelous of Mexicans just because our men can grow full beards.

Remember its in our name, it's not Mexicant, its MexiCAN

A gotee would look nice too. : )

Ryan Christie said...

you are absolutely hilarious! no joke that was really funny...and wth? im mexican!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that was amazing!

I am not exactly sure how it feels to want to grow a beard, but I can be empathetic.


tyler hoehne said... i just stood up in my apt and applauded you. you made my evening.