Saturday, April 12, 2008

movie review

....going to atempt to do a movie review. Blogging has been a good thing. Ive realized it takes time to make a polished thought and it is a skill to write well. 
Street Kings. 
After seeing the trailer I thought I would check it out. I didn't realize it was made by David Ayer who Im starting to like a lot. He has written more than he has directed. He wrote Training Day and S.W.A.T.  I think I like the movies he has directed more than those two. I like his independent directing style. The beginning of the movie  there was no dialog and was of the main character waking up and going to "work". In movies the visuals sometime needs to tell the story more than what is said. For me movies start to go bad when someone is constantly talking in the movie, but I think that works for a comedy. Next Keanu "tom" finds some evil men. He goes into their house kills them then finds two girls locked in a small cage. I thought during that moment of sex trafficking. Sometimes when you hear about what is going on in that you want to go grab a gun and go rescue some people. I wonder about where the line is in seeking justice? I heard about a woman who was in Thailand and found  young children in a brothel and snuck in and stole them then started an orphanage with them in a different place. The story came from The Passion Conference. Francis Chan came up and spoke after they told that story and then began to break our hearts with his intensity about... I cant really remember the scripture he spoke of, how sad is that. 
Well on with the review. I thought the movie did good talking about justice and also secrets. One of the characters says "Im the king of secrets". Made me think of the secrets I keep. Paul talks about Christ followers having unveiled faces reflecting the Lord's glory. 2nd Corinthians 3:12-18, I don't know exactly what that means I was just thinking about how the sin in our lives are often from the secrets in our lives and are we supposed to be in the open so others can see His glory in us? 
Last thing it was interesting experience at the movies. I was thinking a lot about what movies are to me but what about to other people? In the last scene there was a confrontation and fighting and some people where laughing. They were young men who might identify different with killing, drinking and cops. As I was thinking about justice and secrets where they having a totally different experience?  
One last thing, I had this whole experience that I would say turned out good but I spent it alone, and yet I had an experience that was about connection. These three years have turned out  a lot different than I thought. I guess I thought I would understand a little more about myself. I have but just different than I thought.  I don't know why movies give me this kind of experience that allows me to contemplate large things but I hope to continue to be just who I am. 

May not be a movie for you considering the killing and the drugs and the more killing but not so pointless killing.. 
the casting is kinda funny to.. the british [H]ouse actor and three comedians but I like getting past things and finding the story. it worked 

crap... its 2am


Anonymous said...

Hey, good review. Why didn't you write for the Banner? I think it's cool your review incorporates Christianity. It's really hard to do that, so good job! In Church the other month, my Pastor spoke of secrets and how we should tell our secrets, but to Christians who we trust, preferably the Church. There was more to it, but I can't think of it off the top of my head. okay, goodnight.

escamillaweddings said...

the depth and openness you display here is quite refreshing.

Eva said...

I'm really glad I met you : )

continue sharing my friend

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